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» »Unlabelled » 9 Things Successful People Do To Always Get What They Want

One of the best decisions I’ve ever made was the decision to take on the job of hosting my own weekly radio
show where I find some of the most successful people in the world, and bring them on my show to ask
them about what they did to become so successful in life and business. In this article, I’m going to share
with you some of the key take-aways I’ve picked up from talking to – and reading about – thought leaders
from various fields about the things successful people do to always get what they want. Ready to dive in?
Let’s go.
1. They know what they want.
The first and most important thing that successful people do to always get what they want is so simple that
most people totally forget about it: they figure out what they actually want. When you know what you want,
you can get clear about what you need to do to actually get what you want. (If you’re unsure about what you
want in life and business, I’d suggest picking up some career and self-improvement books to help you gain
some clarity and focus).
2. They’re assertive.
Successful people know that they need to be both bold and sincere . Balancing these two characteristics is the
essence of assertiveness. Oh, and by the way – being assertive is not a natural talent someone is born with.
Assertiveness is a learned skill. And anyone can do it. Including you!
3. They learn.
You may have heard the old saying, “great leaders are readers”. For the most part, I’d say this is totally
true. Let me give you an example … On my radio show I regularily ask successful people about their habits
which lead towards success. You want to know something really neat? Every single one them reads books.
Successful people read and learn as much as they can about what they want; so that they can get what they
want. If you’re low on time, subscribe to a book summary site to get the core concepts of the books in your
industry quickly.
4. They make things meaningful.
One of the most powerful things successful people do to always get what they want is that they make things
meaningful. That is, they ensure that whatever endeavor they decide to embark upon is meaningful to
them (and not necessarily to anyone else). They know and understand that it’s only worth it if it matters.
5. They ask.
One big thing that successful people always do in order to get what they want is this: they ask. Most people
are too shy to ask for what they really want. Don’t be like most people. Here’s an exercise you can do to get
over it: next time you’re buying something, regardless of what it is, ask for a discount. Just do it. The worst
case scenario is that you’ll get a chuckle from the Barrista at Starbucks. The best case scenario is that you’ll
get comfortable with negotiating when it’s time to buy your next car.

6. They take action.
Insight without action is useless. Successful people know that in order to always get what they want, they’ve
got to take massive action. One of the most powerful exercises I’ve ever discovered is this: never leave the
sight of a goal without taking some kind action towards its achievement. In other words: as soon as you
decide you want something, or as soon as you set a goal of some kind, do something - anything - that shifts
you closer towards getting it.
7. They use their time wisely.
Have you ever heard of NET time? It stands for “No Extra Time”. For example: when you’re driving, and
sitting in traffic, are you listening to Mylie Cyrus? Or are you listening to an audiobook? Successful people
take NET time seriously. Get yourself some audiobook so you can start listening to the best business and
self-improvement books available – all while you’re on your way to work in the morning.
8. They choose to lead.
You don’t need to have formal authority to become a leader. You just need to choose yourself. All successful
people know this. And so should you. Don’t wait for anyone else to do it, because the truth is, that most
people want to be led anyway. So just step up and claim authority. Be the leader you wish you always had.
9. They contribute.
Successful people know that in order to get what they want , they got to be willing to help other people get
what they want. What happens when you stop doing your job? What happens when you stop caring about
your school work? What happens when you become emotionally disconnected from a relationship? You
suffer, that’s what happens. Successful people know and understand that in order to succeed, they need to
contribute. They need to add value to the lives of others. They need to do their best, so that they can
become the best.
So, now what?
I hope this article has re-ignited the fire that you already had within you to be successful at any endeavor.
The reason why I’m stressing the fact that you’ve already got everything you need to succeed and get what
you want, is because you wouldn’t be reading this if you weren’t already motivated to be successful. At the
end of the day however, all the insights in the world are worth absolutely nothing unless you combine them
with action. When it’s all said and done, it’s totally your decision what you do with this list and how you
apply it to your life and career. But if I may, here’s what I would suggest you consider as you get started
doing the things to help you succeed:
Review this list of the 9 things successful people do to always get what they want and then compare it
with where you currently are at each one of these 9 things. Rate yourself in each one of the 9 things.

About Michael Ajah

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