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» »Unlabelled » What To Do When The Girl You Love Has A Boyfriend..

If the girl you like has a boyfriend and you still
want her, you really need to be thorough.
After all, if she has a boyfriend, you really do
need to steal a girl from her guy and you can’t
do that without all the details.
So in this part, I’m going to tell you the five not-
so-obvious moves and the five sneaky dirty
things you can do to steal a girlfriend from
right under her guy’s nose.

Undercover moves – Five not-so-obvious
Here, we play safe and keep it simple. We don’t
really want to scare her away just because she
has a boyfriend. Make her like you first, lover
Get to know everything she can tell
This is important if she has a boyfriend. Once
you’re friends with her, you need to become
something more than that.
So talk about her favorite dates, her kind of movies,
the little annoying stuff she’s done, and everything
Just to warm her up, you start off by narrating the
time you ripped your pants off while trying to
jump into a girl’s house. Just as long as you open
up, she will too, and you know what, she’s going
to love talking to you!

Are you better than him?
The test of manliness. Talk about her guy. Pop the
question. Ask her what kind of a guy he is. If
you’re getting into her good books, she will keep it simple. Then ask her what she thinks of you.
Compare both the scores out aloud. Laugh and talk about what you can do to tilt the balance in your favor. And
then get back to talking about how they met, and more blah, blah and blah about her guy.

Make her love you!
She’s in love with her man, but that could change. Impress her, be a man around her. Give her the space when
she meets her pals or is on the phone when both of you are together, so she can be comfortable when you’re
Remember her special days, her deadlines, and anything else, even if it is really trivial. Show her that even her
little things are really important to you. And wait for the good times.
Be her other guy
Now get this straight, you be her other guy, not her back-up guy. If you find that she’s just using you as her
Man Friday when he’s not around, walk out.
She should respect you and want you. Don’t go trailing her at every opportunity you get. If you really want to
steal a girlfriend, you need to keep it slow, and talk to her once in a while, at least once a day if you work at the
same place, or alternate days or less if it’s over the phone. Let her miss you when you aren’t around. Drive her to
work if you can, give her the attention, and basically, treat her like a princess when you’re together.

Give her what her guy can’t give
Pamper her. You may not be around her all the time, and her guy may be. But that doesn’t matter. Because your
one hour around her can do more damage to him than all day.
Talk and be genuinely interested in her. If you get a call when she’s with you, see if you can cancel and call
back, and let her see that. She should know how special the times both of you share is to you. And more than
anything else, maintain intense eye contact with her when both of you talk. Make her feel like she’s the only
thing in the world you care about when you’re with her.
The Five Sneaky Lil Signs
Getting down and dirty
Dig all info
She has a boyfriend already. And there may be a few things she knows but she won’t tell. And any info about
her is good info. That’s where her pals come into the picture. If you know them in the first place, then go on and
ask a few things about her. But very discreetly, of course.
You don’t want them to know you’re hitting on her. And admit it, if you do like her, you’re definitely going to
want to talk about her.
The annoying mo-fo, her boyfriend
Find out more about her guy from any source you can get. There may always be a few skeletons that could be
dug out here. So he doesn’t believe in holding doors open for a woman? The next time you talk to her, tell her the
story about a man who doesn’t open doors for women, and how annoying that is.
See, that’s like letting her know her guy isn’t all that great, without actually talking about him. On the other
hand, talk about how much you live by the code of chivalry. Discreetly, of course!

“Bump” into her
So you know things about her. Good. Does she hang out on weekends at a particular place? Did her friends tell
you that? Excellent. As long as she hasn’t told you that, and you’ve figured it out yourself, go for the kill.
Accidentally bump into her at the same place, and pretend like your “surprise” meeting is a damn sign from
heaven that you guys have to be together. Ask her out to coffee or lunch. You know, these occasional bumping
scenarios could actually take you somewhere.

Who’s that guy?
Remember, for you, her boyfriend is of no value. So treat him like one. Unless you know him on first-name basis,
refer to him as ‘your boyfriend’ when you talk to her. She may talk about how much she loves him, and blah, but
it doesn’t matter. And at times, when she goes on and on about him, yawn pointedly and make sure she knows
it’s a fake yawn. But do make sure you laugh after you do that, you’d want to make it seem like a joke instead
of a rude gesture.

Same workspace
Sometimes, we end up liking a girl in the same workspace. And to make things worse, her boyfriend could work
there too. So when you’re talking to her once in a while, there’s a fair chance that he’d end up joining the
conversation too. Don’t lose your enthusiasm here, but stay away from flirty comments. But the second he walks
away, thank your lucky starts loudly and get back to your flirty talk.
A line that goes like, “Thank you God, at last, I can get a few minutes with this beautiful girl without her
boyfriend around!” not only gets the point across, but also sounds humorous.
She has a boyfriend and you really want to know how to steal a girlfriend. Follow these tips and she’ll fall
in love with you even before you ask her out.

About Michael Ajah

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